Me!! ☺ |
So I decided, after a long time of indecision that I want to go natural, and leave the relaxing world for a while. I havent relaxed my hair in nearly 10 months now, and I realized that I was content with my decision.It wasn't until shortly, did I realize that I need to cut my hair in order for it to fully grow natural, in which I did about a week ago, and I must say I am LOVING the look.
Im regrowing my hair, still using blow cream just to untangle the knots in it, but only till next year will I probably go back to straightening and relaxing my hair.
Below is some BEAUTIFUL natural hair, that I seriously Envy ☹
Do enjoy♥
She soo cute!! ♥ |
Tebelelo Sephuma |
Natural is Beautiful!!
Y o l i 'D