
Friday 7 June 2013

Racism Within a Race

 #Warning : This is quite long :) Lol

Below is a short post I read a few days ago, and it really Relates to the current situation us black people, especially amongst the youth, find our selves in: Racial DiscriminationWITHIN a race. It may not even seem much of a big thing but I know people that get touched and hurt from biased views that we, as fellow blacks, pass onto each other. Categorizing our selves into what is known as the "Yellow Bones" "Brownies","Caramels", "Darkies or Dark Chocolates" , I mean HECK, its almost like we've developed a new 'race' of black people. 

Like from the stuff I've heard, apparently Yellow Bone girls and even guys, have a certain way of  'acting' socially and how Yellow Bones have a certain type of personality different compared to those that are Brown or of a darker skin shade than Yellow Bones and VICE VERSA.. Uhmm Okay.. I don't know.

Have your OWN thoughts about this, but this article below is quite intense, and very much so, TRUE to some extent! 
"I don’t understand how Blacks find it appropriate to separate ourselves into 'Team Light Skin' and 'Team Dark Skin.'

I don’t understand how within our own race we find comfort in racism, when racism brought us anguish. I don’t understand why we became blinded to the trickery. How can we not see that we’re doing “The Man’s” job for him for FREE, killing off and hating our own kind. Letting them get away with slavery once again. “The Man” gave us poison and from our enemy’s cup we drank. 

They divided us, by infusing hatred, and creating animosity. Where there is animosity there is no unity, and where there is no unity there will be no revolution. When will we come to terms with the truth? Regardless if you(or your parents) were a “house nigga” or a “field nigga”, to them you are just a nigga. They don’t see light and dark, they just knew we would. 

What would our ancestors who carried the scars of slavery in the name of freedom think?
What would our ancestors who planted their feet to the ground in the name of equality think?
Would they be proud to be our kin? Or would they shake their heads in shame?

Yes, I am a 'light-skinned' black South African, but my history is ONLY BLACK.. BLACK.
BLACK like the intentions of the white man when he came to Africa hunting humans..
BLACK like the night sky we looked up to for guidance from the North Star..
BLACK like the panthers who represented and protected everything BLACK. (There wasn’t a light skin black panthers party nor a dark skin black panthers party) We were one, we were independent thinkers, we were revolutionaries, we were BLACK.
That’s it, that’s all.

When will we end this civil war?? "

Maybe there's a little exaggeration with the use of words terms/words such as 'killing off' and 'slavery' or 'animosity' but one thing for sure there is a division amongst our societies(school, work place, colleges etc). And with opinions and views that are passed on by some of us, it is almost as though we are eliminating and killing each others dignity and self-esteems. 

This thing is deep yo' got girls nabo Mama bleaching skin colours to an almost Snow White kind of tone.. its scary :-/

Haha anyways,

Thank you for reading.

Malistic D*~