
Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Ferndale High School Matric Dance 2013

Below are just a few of the many Pics I saw of Matric Dance.

 I must say, the chaps and chapettes looked absolutely amazing on the night of the 20th of September 2013. I won't be nasty and scrutinize from head to toe even though some of you might see it necessary (haha) but I really loved what people wore.

They defined the words comfortable , well-suited and etiquette in many aspects of their outfits: Hair, suits and dresses, accessories.

I'm Impressed :)

Have a Look
Headboy with Beautiful Wifey :)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

That Sweet, Brief Moment..

Based on a True Story..

When I think about how long ago it was, It still feels like it all happened in a rushed weekend and everything was perfect and almost surreal. I'm talking about my first love, or at least I thought he was until he broke the news to me that he had to move to Botswana because of work.

Koketso he was named, a tall, dark-skinned beauty, very intelligent with the most gentle and caring heart any man could possible have. He was my hero as cheesy as it may sound, but honestly he arrived in my life at a time where everything was just blank. My relationship with my family was nonexistent and well my friends, were just a memory of the past.

When I met him 3 years ago on this very same day, a Saturday 10th of December, I did not think much of the conversation we were having after he tried selling to me a nail filer. Heck, the first thing I thought was, why I was even entertaining this guy, who to me didn't reek much of success. I mean he was trying to sell to me a NAIL FILER for heaven's sake.

But I obviously gave him the benefit of the doubt and lend him an ear and he was pretty good with his words. We started dating a week later and things became serious a few months down the line.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Photo of the Week

My Personal Favourite that really caught my attention had to be Andile Ndebele's picture.
The editing and the location the photo was captured at is really amazing and they blend well with each other. The picture isn't busy yet it gives one so many emotions; perfection!

We Dont Care: 15 Songs about not giving a damn

I found this on the internet a few days ago: A compiled list of 15 songs that are about not caring and not giving a damn about anything BUT having fun!! :D

Unbroken Spirit: A Failed Citizen.

An episode I watched of Cutting Edge last night revealed the sad and most heartbreaking story I've heard in months. In the hilly and colourful village of Ezixhotyeni, Eastern Cape, survives a strong but frail 74 year old woman uNogaya. Just like her neighbours uNogaya doesn’t have much. There are not enough resource centers to take care of the aged and the sick.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I got 3 thousand pageviews :"D !! ♪♫

Thank you to all my Fans & Readers !! Im soo happy ☺

The Consequences of 'Twanging'

 "The person who’s responsible for spreading linguistic lies to people by telling them that twanging is perfect when it comes to communicating with fellow humans should be beaten with a toothbrush.

Now, the majority of civilization walks around twanging every time they speak because they assume that it makes them seem as if they have perfected the suburban English accent. I guess this is because majority of people grew up with this erroneous perception that the better your English accent sounds, the more intelligent and educated you seem.

This delusional perception has created a huge strive to get the perfect English accent, which has resulted in some people turning to the disaster that is twanging.