When I think about how long ago it was, It still feels like it all happened in a rushed weekend and everything was perfect and almost surreal. I'm talking about my first love, or at least I thought he was until he broke the news to me that he had to move to Botswana because of work.
Koketso he was named, a tall, dark-skinned beauty, very intelligent with the most gentle and caring heart any man could possible have. He was my hero as cheesy as it may sound, but honestly he arrived in my life at a time where everything was just blank. My relationship with my family was nonexistent and well my friends, were just a memory of the past.
When I met him 3 years ago on this very same day, a Saturday 10th of December, I did not think much of the conversation we were having after he tried selling to me a nail filer. Heck, the first thing I thought was, why I was even entertaining this guy, who to me didn't reek much of success. I mean he was trying to sell to me a NAIL FILER for heaven's sake.
But I obviously gave him the benefit of the doubt and lend him an ear and he was pretty good with his words. We started dating a week later and things became serious a few months down the line.
We built our careers together. I was working in the Radio Industry and he was in the Marketing industry. The nail filer was just an assignment.
At the age of 22, living in our separate homes, we worked our butts off trying to get to the top. Some would call us power hungry but we were just very ambitious. Our success and strong relationship made it seem like our life would be all about 'eternal' happiness, until Koketso came home one day excited and eager to tell me his great news.
He received a promotion at one of the continents biggest Marketing and Advertising companies but attached to it, he had to relocate to Botswana for his 5 year contract. When he told me about this, I felt like someone had thrown a dagger to my chest and I know I should have congratulated him but instead, I cussed and cried because not only was he telling me this a day before our anniversary, but he also had to accept the promotion before the week ended.
I felt so selfish but also robbed of what I thought would have lasted for ever, our eternal happiness. I would not have made him decline the offer but I also could not have just dropped everything and relocate to Botswana.
He left a week later and well I was left behind to pick up the pieces after our sweet, brief moment.