What brings you pleasure or rather what should bring you pleasure?
Many vibrant youths of mostly urbanized areas like Jo'burg City have what I call the disillusioned desire for pleasure. They call it hedonism but I refer to it as ignorance.
Sure, happiness and euphoria, that mostly comes from the drugs and alcohol, and money are everything everyone so passionately seek but what about the bigger things in life? What about the economic freedom and mental liberation? What about the glory of success that comes with education? What about emancipation, the sweet sweet emancipation that Marley spoke about decades ago?
Has the burning fire of the youth of '76 burned out or has it been dimmed out by the materialistic social standards of society?
You and I, we make society what it is though I'm not writing this to point out the obvious. My purpose is to simply get across that in seeking these hedonistic ways of life we should reflect on the fact that whilst we enjoy the sweet moments of today we must plan for tomorrow.
These bubbles of social standards that separate us are all part of one bigger bubble called South Africa. And sooner or later when these bubbles burst we will have to live with the consequences of turning a blind eye to the bitter sweet components of true pleasure and these being Education, Mental Liberation and Success.
Give true meaning to "Veni Vidi Vici" .. Carpe Diem in style ☺
Follow: @Yoli_Dyantyi
Thank you.