We would really appreciate it if you kept it REAL, AND NATURAL.. because for many people, MAKE-UP really doesn't work for them..
Anyways these are just a couple of pics just to show you all what COLOUR BLOCKING really is.. I have seen many pics with the tags "colour blocking" when all it seems to me is a mixture of colours put together to make an outfit that looks like poo!!
Many Fashion people..people that know whats what and whats in..would NEVER appreciate it if they saw these pics with the tag "Colour Blocking" on..
Here below↓ are examples of what colour bocking is.. Learn a little something or two..and advise that friend of yours who claims to know what colour blocking is, to stop Embarrassing him or her self any further..
What is COLOUR BLOCKING?..From the Urban Dictionary :"Color Blocking is combining different colors that support and compliment each other"
And whoever said color blocking is only for women is clearly not hip to the men's fashion world. Color blocking is just as fabulous and eye catching on men as it is on women, if not more. Nothing is more attractive than a well-dressed man, and what is there not to love about a well-dressed man who isn't afraid to step of out the box and wear an eye-catching, jaw-dropping combination of colors?
this is what blocking is..Look at those colours!! :-)
A lil bit of retro vintage...
he looks gooood :p..and something tells me he smells even better, yep! :-)
orange for this winter..to LIGHT things up!! #thumbs up
Shoes for the ladies..they always do best!!
a lil bright knitwear this winter..dont stick to the dull browns go for something EYE CATCHING..
shoes for the guys :-)
Yours Truly