
Tuesday, 25 September 2012


So what has been irritating me this week is that boys are ALWAYS getting blamed for the heartaches and downfalls that happen in a girl’s life. This is not completely true because when you are in a relationship, it is a two way street and both of you are contributing towards both of your feelings.
No, you just don't do that.. *Sigh
I have read countless of times on Facebook and other social network sites about guys being blamed for doing just about everything wrong and ruining a girl’s life. They do sometimes but they are not always so responsible for everything. And what about the guys that have had their hearts broken? I do not really think that any one doesn’t feel a thing after a break up, unless of course you’re a psychopath. But it doesn’t stop people from clicking that like button when the girl talks about what a jerk their boyfriend became. *SMH

Uhmm.. okay
I for one am deeply against the publicising of relationships at all because it’s quite private and should only be between the couple and close friends. To post about how a jerk or an asswipe your boyfriend is on its own is rather degrading and I don’t see how it helps the situation much, besides of course trying to get people to believe that all guys are evil.

Aww, and he has roses? :-)
Girls seem to forget that guys as well are human and experience some sort of feeling when breakups happen and the worst part is that the girl is never to be blamed over the breakup because somehow we are never capable of doing the guy wrong? No, this stereotype behaviour should stop because quite frankly it ruins the chance of that nice guy ever getting with a girl because we are in fear of getting our hearts broken.

Bitch please you sit yo ass down and let the guy be human! Bitter bitch.. 

Nice quote, but Puhlease!!

 Yoli_D ♥